A pop up shop in the heart of downtown Mystic Mystic, Conn. (June 6, 2024) – Mystic…
Basket Bonanza Raffle at Happy Time Nursery School – Don’t Miss This!

Happy Time Nursery School, at Union Baptist Church off West Main St. in downtown Mystic, is hosting its annual fundraiser, a basket bonanza raffle with a TON of great prizes, 35 packages to be exact! The raffle takes place Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 5pm-8pm.
Raffle tickets are $1 each and can be purchased at the event, a night of fun to help raise money for this long-standing amazing school! There will also be story time and puppets, music, snacks and a pizza party.
All are welcome to try their luck. Bid only on the baskets you’d like to try to win! Here’s a full list of what’s being offered, many items by Mystic businesses so gracious to participate. LOOK AT ALL THIS STUFF!!
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