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Bread Baking with Whole Grains

Yellow Farmhouse Education Center 389 North Main Street, Stonington

Dave Vacca, Head Baker, 85th Day Food Community Dave has been cooking since childhood, learning from his grandmother and aunt as they watched Julia Child after school. At home, he cooks tacos and noodle bowls with his growing family, taking time to garden with his children and instill in them his reverence for good food…


Bread Baking with Whole Grains

Yellow Farmhouse Education Center 389 North Main Street, Stonington

Dave Vacca, Head Baker, 85th Day Food Community Dave has been cooking since childhood, learning from his grandmother and aunt as they watched Julia Child after school. At home, he cooks tacos and noodle bowls with his growing family, taking time to garden with his children and instill in them his reverence for good food…


Why did American women stop baking bread at home and why should we care?

Yellow Farmhouse Education Center 389 North Main Street, Stonington

Maria Trumpler, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Maria earned her PhD in History of Science and Medicine from Yale in 1992, and has become fascinated with women’s traditional knowledge that is “science-like” in that it has a large empirical bases as well as a theoretical structure. She found an artisanal cheese company…


Why did American women stop baking bread at home and why should we care?

Yellow Farmhouse Education Center 389 North Main Street, Stonington

Maria Trumpler, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Maria earned her PhD in History of Science and Medicine from Yale in 1992, and has become fascinated with women’s traditional knowledge that is “science-like” in that it has a large empirical bases as well as a theoretical structure. She found an artisanal cheese company…



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