Enjoy a getaway in the heart of Downtown Mystic with a stay at The Whaler’s…
Mystic Chamber’s Tourist Info & Welcome Center

The Greater Mystic Chamber of Commerce has a wonderful welcome center…a must stop for visitors needing info on Mystic and the surrounding area. They’ll be your Mystic concierge! Seriously…they will make phone calls for you.
Stop in for information, brochures and dialogue with a local expert!
Open M-F 10am-4pm
GMCC Welcome Center
22 East Main St., Mystic, CT
Could you please send me information and area map as I will be coming labor day weekend?
Thank you very much,
Hi Carol,
Thanks for your request. We have forwarded your info to the Mystic Chamber and they should be able to assist you. Should you need to reach out to them they are at info@mysticchamber.org or 860-572-9578.