Mystic and Groton are host to two excellent concert series in the summer, Blue Monday…
A Cozy European Experience at the DPI

by Phil Coco
Have you ever been to Europe? If so, did you check out the pubs there? Perhaps, you went to England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, or another European country. If you went to a historic pub, then there is a good chance it was rather small and cozy. There might have been stone or bricks on the walls, as well as, old but well kept wooden floors. Forget Europe for a moment because you can enjoy a similar experience in a pub, located in the downstairs of Mystic’s Daniel Packer Inne or, simply, “DPI.”
Every night after the DPI’s pub dinner crowd disperses, the evening transitions into music entertainment. Some of the dinner tables are set aside and the music performers establish a very intimate setting. Last month, I enjoyed a late evening with Crows Toes (pictured below). They are a genuine rock band that loves to jam. One of their highlight songs was Led Zeppelin’s “What is and What Should Never Be.”
Some small pubs/arms are uncomfortable and the noise has no where to go. The DPI offers an authentic, European style setting for music and cocktails. Whether it’s fine summer night or a biter cold wintery one, with perhaps a few flurries, the cozy intimate atmosphere and fine music will certainly entertain you.
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