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Hike & Seek – A Scavenger Hunt by Avalonia Land Conservancy

Avalonia Land Conservancy has launched a neat scavenger hunt-like program to encourage hiking and exploration on many of their Southeastern Connecticut properties. The Hike & Seek challenge invites you and your fellow young ones to find clues on 24 Avalonia owned properties. Each property has least three “targets” to seek. Visitors are encouraged to photograph their finds and share them on social media using #avaloniahikeandseek or by posting to the Hike & Seek photo album of their Facebook page.

Mystic (or very close to Mystic) properties included in Hike & Seek:

Moore Woodlands
Pequotsepos Brook Preserve
Town’s End
Knox Preserve
Knox Family Farm

All Properties with Targets to Seek
Hike & Seek Challenge details

If you don’t know about Avalonia Land Conservancy, please check them out! It is a non-profit organization that preserves and protects land in Southeastern, CT (over 3,500 acres to date!). Their properties are open to the public and most of them are trailed. They depend heavily on volunteers and are always welcoming more help.

*photo is of Knox Preserve in Stonington, just east of Mystic

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