The Mystic Garden Club Greens Sale will take place on December 1-2, 2023 at the…
A Little Free Library Scavenger Hunt in Mystic
by Lindsay Dianne & Jonas Karlsson of
Little Free Library is something more than just a “tiny outdoor bookshelf with a roof”. It might look small for the eye but its concept is big and still growing since the start, a little bit over 10 years ago. Todd Bol was the man behind it. His mother was a teacher like himself, and when he saw that she wanted to share her books with the neighbors, he constructed a little school-shaped box for her. The rest is history, with an effect that has not only been the many smiles on people’s faces, because who can not smile when seeing such cute thing like a tiny library? It has brought communities closer together and made people that normally only have time for simple nods of recognition towards each other, now having full on conversations when they meet in front of their Little Free Library; to take a book, and leave a book.
A fascinating thing with these libraries is that they can all look how you want them to look. As we took a Little Free Library Scavenger hunt in the area around Mystic we noticed that some of them were designed to look like a smaller version of the house it was placed at. They also had a wide variety in sizes and content, you never know what you might find. They might be so small that they are easy to miss while taking your daily powerwalk, but you can simply search for “Little Free Library” on google maps to find them in your area. By doing so you can plan out your new exercise route.
Here is a list of the ones we were able to explore during our book scavenger hunt in Mystic, which is where our knowledge of them all began, in this most charming seaside town. We recommend that from now on, make sure you always pack a book wherever you go, you never know if you will be lucky to bump into a “Little Free Library” along the road.
Little Free Library #5531 – Corner of Cow Hill Rd and Bindloss Rd
Little Free Library #6822 – Broadway Ave Ext
Little Free Library #43480 – Greenmanville Ave (Coogan Farm Nature and Heritage Center)
Little Free Library #5215 – Pequotsepos Rd
Thank you so much for including our LFL scavenger hunt on your blog! We LOVE Mystic!